There must be something in the water, because I know I have gone crazy. (Finding the funny)

So I've gone crazy. I don't know when it started, but I realized it last night when I agreed to camp out with someone at Best Buy, Thanksgiving evening. Okay, maybe I started at the end of the story....but I am crazy so what do you expect.

So about a week ago when the daughter was sick with bronchitis, and I was sleep deprived because of taking care of said sick child. A good friend of mine called. He asked how I was doing, (buttering me up, I think), and the proceeded to the reason for his call. "Are you going Black Friday Shopping?" Now obviously, I hasn't gone crazy right at that moment, because I laughed at his question and said, "Nope". So then he asked me if I would be willing to help him out. Again not sure when the insanity started, but I'm guessing it is probably about this moment. So I told him I would call him Friday morning , and see where he was. Well Yesterday he called me, just to make sure I hadn't sought treatment for my mental illness, and to ask me if I was doing Thanksgiving with the Family. I told him yes, and then he told me, " Well after you leave there just proceed to Best Buy, I have a six person tent" This is the moment I should have stopped and thought the insanity through...but I didn't. You see I'm crazy, and crazy people don't think things through. So after eating a mind numbing amount of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, and the occasional desert. I am dragging my butt to Best Buy, with my daughter in tow. Where will proceed to play board games and card games with my Friend, his girl friend, her children, and my child. While we are freezing our petunia's off.

See I told you I was Crazy!!!

Be Sure to check out more finding the funny at Kelley's Break Room


another jennifer said...
November 21, 2012 at 10:46 AM

A 6 person tent?! Have fun with that. :) I'll be dozing off on the couch watching football on Thanksgiving night.

Anonymous said...
November 21, 2012 at 1:11 PM

Thank you so much for the perspective. I always knew I was a little crazy but now I can say "See, I'm not THAT crazy..."

Unknown said...
November 21, 2012 at 1:35 PM

Ha!!!, I'm thinking my just being nice has led to this insanity....but I'm ready to take down best buy...if only for an IOU card I'll get from my friend=)

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