The Only Thing To Do Is Start....and then the the thing to do after that is not quit...

So when writing the first words in this blog I can hear the hand gun starting pistol go off at the races. Starting has always been easy for me...its the finishing part that has already been tough. I'm always ready to start a new adventure and that is why I have so many unfinished adventures. So today I am determined to be stubborn. I want to document Our life in something besides a few quotes and cute pictures on my facebook page. I want to look back at all the recipes and be able to see an actual recipe with pictures and no I did that. I want to chronicle my to big for her own britches nine year old's journey into tweenhood and then teen hood. And be able to look at this as sort of a yearbook of sorts for our lives. So here we go....

Hello My name is Bethany, the people closest to me call me Beth, and their is one person that calls me Dani, but he is another story altogether. I am 29, a mother, single, chubby, loud, obnoxious, rebellious, and yes even a dork. I love to cook, love Music, Movies, T.V. shows, and life in general. I work from home as a VA (Or Virtual Assistant for all the laymen out there=) ) One more thing you need to know about is that though I love to cook, I am the pickiest person I know. I have texture issues. I don't like most Vegetables, or any fruit. So it has been quite a journey in my life, to find myself with quite a few things I really enjoy to eat that are semi healthy for me. Now things you don't really need to know about me but I will tell you anyways. I am Christian, but not in the vote for Romney, down with Obama kind of way. The goes to church, tries to be forgiving, raises her daughter in the way she should go kinda way. In saying this I will be the first to tell you, I am prone to acting out, being defiant, an a cuss word or two along the way. I am not perfect, that why I thank God everyday, that he his....

So what do I want this Blog to be about. Well really life in General. I want to write about my life, the Good, the bad, and even the ugly. I want to cook and make messes, and take pictures and have strangers that I don't know laugh at my ditzyness. I want to be able to go somewhere to vent, and know that I won't make anyone mad that I know. And the people that I do make mad I don't have to face on a daily basis. I want something to look back on to say...I did that....and maybe just maybe I want to continue this as a journey into getting to know me. Because you see at 29, I don't think I really know me. I think I know who my family wants me to be, who men want me to be, who my friends want me to be, even what my daughter wants me to be.. But I don't know me....and I think it would be pretty darn interesting to find out.... So who's with me.


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